Sculptra 2 Vials

Buy Sculptra 2 Vials Online

Sculptra 2 Vials along with the most popular hyaluronic excipients in rejuvenating injection procedures, fillers based on polylactic acid are also actively used. Like hyaluronic, polylactic acid is a biocompatible polymer, which is produce synthetically, does not pose a threat to human health and does not cause allergies. Unlike hyaluronate with an average validity of 6-12 months, the results, provide by polylactic acid preparations, persist up to two years.

Dermal filler Sculptra is a biostimulator, base on polylactic acid. It has been approve by the US Food and Drug Administration as a tool in the correction of lipoatrophy of the face, including in patients infect with HIV and AIDS. Biocorrector is available in the form of granules in glass bottles. Minimum of 3 hours (maximum – 7 hours) before the procedure, SCULPTRA is dissolve with sterile water, before the session is start. The filler is inject into the deep layers of the dermis. In order to spread evenly the corrective agent, the doctor will conduct a 5-minute massage. To reduce pain during injection, it is recommend to use a cream-anesthetic.


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Composition SCULPTRA:

  • poly-L-lactose;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • apyrogenic mannitol.

SCULPTRA is naturally able to restore the fading skin to a fresh, youthful appearance. Polylactic acid stimulates the production of fibroblasts. In turn, fibroblasts produce collagen and elastin fibers, in the intercellular matrix. Thus, the synthesis of one’s own hyaluronic acid is activate. After all, in the skin layers, metabolic processes are start and regeneration of the dermis cells takes place. If you want to buy SCULPTRA online at an affordable price – check our EuroMex Internet store. We offer fast shipping and kind support as well.

Interesting fact: after the biodegradation of polylactose on carbon dioxide and water, the collagenous framework still maintains contours and face volumes for a long time. Synthesis of collagen is a process of a long in time, so the result of correction by SCULPTRA can be observe after 4-6 weeks after the session. The effect gradually increases, reaching a peak on average in six months, and lasts 14-25 months and even longer, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. To obtain a stable result, it is recommend to conduct 2-3 injections of SCULPTRA with an interval of 1-2 months


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