Intraline PDO Threads Mono – 30G 38mm/50mm while embedding into the tissues, polydioxanone PDO m3038 30g 38mm 50mm meso strings fix the skin tissues and give further improvement by animating the creation of collagen and elastin. Polydioxanone, a polymer that includes the base for Intraline Mono m3038 30g restorative strings, is a biodegradable material completely consume by the creature inside the following a half year. During this time, the string fixes and supports the skin outline, streamlining the kinks, working on the surface and help, lifting forms, and characterizing the facial oval. Following a half year, the outcomes are as yet noticeable because of the expand centralization of collagen and elastin in the tissues, which supplant polydioxanone.
Skin rejuvenation with Intraline threads from manufacturer Mecobi Co Ltd provides the following benefits:
Among various dermal treatments for skin rejuvenation, the procedure with Intraline PDO threads mono is one of the safest as polydioxanone possesses perfect bio combinability and is use in heart surgery sutures. However, there may be observed common side effects due to the invasion into the skin tissues:
Side effects may vary from patient to patient. People with increase skin sensitivity may experience prolonged manifestations of body reactions. If they do not disappear within the next few days, or the patient notices any severe reactions, he/she should immediately inform the doctor.
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