Stylage Special Lips with Lidocaine 1ml

Buy Stylage Special Lips with Lidocaine 1ml Online

Stylage Special Lips with Lidocaine 1ml without precedent for the range of cosmetology for the lips seemed a medication, which depends on two dynamic substances: customary hyaluronic corrosive and the most grounded normal cell reinforcement mannitol. An exceptional filler recipe create by the French lab “Vivacy” and is an extraordinary licensed IPN-like technique for the change of hyaluronic corrosive.


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The versatile STYLAGE SPECIAL LIPS with LIDOCAINE provides:

  • The fine appearance of the lip area
  • Correction of the lip contours
  • Filling the volume
  • Correcting the perioral lines and reducing the “smoker’s line” over the upper lip.

If there should be an occurrence of any inquiries, our help group will be glad to respond to them. The outcome of STYLAGE Extraordinary LIPS with LIDOCAINE treatment straightforwardly relies upon the experience and impressive skill of the beautician who has gone through exceptional preparation in working with intradermal fillers.

The strategy is perform on a short term premise and addresses a progression of infusions into the region around the lips and straightforwardly into the mucous film of the lips. The set incorporates a 30G 1/2 needle, suggested for infusion. The span of the impact from the methodology is from a half year to nine months. Given the normal, physiological piece of the medication STYLAGE Exceptional LIPS with LIDOCAINE, complexities after the strategy are very uncommon, not set in stone by the singular qualities of the patient and the amazing skill of the beautician.


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